
目前显示的是 十一月, 2019的博文
Doctor dating: a match who understands your goals Pursuing a successful career is so rewarding. Yet, it also involves significant time and effort – and it is not easy to find someone who appreciates the dedication needed to excel. Happily, doctorsingledating.com members understand occupational ambitions. With an average age of 30 - 55 and a wide variety of careers, our users know what it means to be a doctor. If you're ready to join them, then why not get started with doctorsingledating.com today? Corporate Kiwis: too busy for romance? Since the 1970s, marriage rates have been more or less on the decline in New Zealand. At the same time, the median age at first marriage has risen – from 22 in 1971 to 31 in 2012.1 These figures suggest a move away from early marriage in New Zealand, perhaps due to the fact that many of today’s singles find themselves nurturing their ambitions for success before they think about settling down. Indeed, many Kiwis with dreams of scaling the corpor...

Doctor Dating : Professional Dating at its best

Dating a doctor in NZ: how Doctordatingsite can help The market-leading professional dating network, there’s nowhere better than doctordatingsite.biz to meet single doctors. Despite a busy work schedule, dating a doctor can be incredibly rewarding – trustworthy, caring and dedicated, there’s a lot to love about our single doctors. Sign up and start meeting your matches today – this is doctor dating made easy! Doctor dating with doctordatingsite.biz Whether you’re a doctor who’s looking for love, or you’re just attracted to the kind and caring nature of single doctors, you'll be glad to know that, right across NZ, thousands of single doctors are looking for love. Yet, with a doctor's busy on-call hours, it's not always easy to seek a partner via the traditional channels. That's why so many Kiwi doctors and nurses - and those who want to date them - are looking online. Of course, while there are plenty of specialist doctor dating sites out there, they’re all a little ...