How to Date a Doctor | Doctor Dating Site

Being kind and caring souls, it is no surprise that the doctor is popular professionals for people on the lookout for romance. We’ve all heard of the Florence Nightingale effect after all but what about the truth behind the myths? As busy medical practitioners, the doctor often works demanding hours and can find it tricky to fit in a new romance between their long hours.

Luckily we’re here to make dating single doctor a little easier, and to help you pave the way new friendships or something even more special. Take a look at the doctor dating guide that our dating experts have put together, and your new romance could be just around the corner.

Be prepared to listen: We all talk shop now and again so it might help if you lend your date your ear, especially if they've had a long and stressful shift. They’ll no doubt have an amusing anecdote or two to tell you.

Make sure you’re flexible: Their weekend is yours, even if it’s not a Saturday or Sunday! Remember the doctor has to work all hours of the day. Make yourself available when you can – even if you both just grab a bite to eat in the hospital canteen.

Be enlightening: With their often exhausting shifts, you can offer a welcome diversion. Why not come up with a few dating ideas of your own that you think might be fun and romantic and be a welcome breath of fresh air?

Reasons to Date a Doctor
They’re typically people-focused and easy to get on well with.
Empathy is their watchword - beyond all that medical knowledge, many doctors have that instinct that no amount of training will give them, that's understanding emotions.
You’ll have some free time - doctor works irregular and long shifts so you’ll have plenty of time on your hands for your own lifestyle, hobbies, and interests.
Doctors are medically experienced and qualified - handy if you’re in an emergency situation. But remember, you may have to pull yourself together if you are suffering from nothing more than the common cold!
Doctors usually have a ‘naturally-trained ear’ - so they'll be good listeners and likely to take an interest in you once you’ve caught their eye!
Doctors Dating Site
Working long and odd shift patterns, it might seem that, as a single doctor, you don’t have the time (or the energy) to date someone new. Of course, dating and juggling a nursing career might be tricky but luckily we are here to help open new romantic doors for a single doctor online.

When you work weird hours, one of the best dating tips we can give you is to take things easy. If your week has demanding shift patterns then the best approach is to keep your plans open, flexible and simple. The last thing you want is to abandon your date in a restaurant if your pager goes off. Here are a few doctor dating tips to start you off:

Breakfast or brunch? Remember that irregular work patterns will throw regular meal times out of sync. So what could be more welcome after a long night shift than a romantic breakfast at a nice establishment?

Daytime dates! The great thing about dating a doctor‘out of hours’ is that events and activities are less crowded than they would be at weekends, and are sometimes cheaper.

Use your imagination: Remember that a date with a doctor who works long and tiring shifts might not be up for rigorous conversation and activity. Suggest a chilled date so they can let off some steam – comedy might be a good call to make him or her laugh and it will leave you with plenty to chat about afterward!

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